Monday, June 29, 2009

7 quick takes, steubie edition!

1. you know your at a steubie youth conference when they say the words "we will have Mass in a bit" and everyone cheers!
2.just so everyone knows, bob rice is awesome. buy his CDs!
3.i made some friends at steubie that i now friended on FB!
4.the Franciscan sisters are sooo nice;) my friend and i hung out with them alot!
5.the onlyplace they sang you are holy was at the mens session. being a woman i didnt get to hear it. that made me mad.
6.tammy evevard is a great speaker! do you know who she is?
7.i highly reccomend these conferences, held all over the USA, check out

Monday, June 22, 2009


sometimes, i wonder, how can one person, just one person, come into your life and change it forever?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

7 quick takes "sunday", YES special edition

1-YES is a community service prject done by teens and young adults and adult leaders in my area.
2-i am a pround member of the bundy crew!, the people who rode in our college leaders car, the bundy;)
3-the roof of SMCC is the best place ever!
4-friday night/saturday morning/whateva ya wanna call it, was the funnest night of my life! we hung out on the roof, and in the classrooms til 5 am, lights out was at 2! hahaha
5-the house we worked on was white with black trim, and i had tons of paint fights, so fun!
6-we got to meet the lady we did the house for, she is chair-ridden, and it was really sad, but she kept saying how blessed she was to have us choose her house to fix
7-i'm tired, thats what i get for late nights of fun!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

chicks and YES

we are not naming the chicks yet, because we have to wait and see whos boy and girl, we are keeping the girls;)

i will be gone until saturday night, and i may not have time to post that night, so i will be posting 7 quick takes "sunday" YES special edition on sunday!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


our chicks are hatching! there was one that hatched overnight, that is sooooo cute!

Monday, June 15, 2009

2 days!

2 days til YES! need to go buy some things!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

3 days!

til YES, Youth Elect Service project, i am soooo psyched!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fr. Jason First Mass!

Congrats to Fr. Jason, who is our new assciate pastor, and having his first Mass today at 4!

Friday, June 12, 2009

7 quick takes friday

1-i got my wisdom teeth out this week. NOT FUN. my face is still red and puffy. and im not smart anymore! no more wisdom!
2-of course being that my face is red and puffy, i have another mario and marys performance thru the pain, work thru the pain.
3-and, its also BIKE WEEK! and all the festivities are going on downtown by the theater! so its gonna be a madhouse!
4-i need to make a stop at goodwill to get some old shorts i can wear for YES.
5-YES is the Youth Elect Service project, going on here from wednesday til saturday, we repair and re landscape homes of needy families and elderly folks.
6-being as i wont be here next week on friday for 7 quick takes, i am going to do a 7 quick takes Sunday all about YES!
7-HSY3, steubenville retreat is 2 weeks from today! i am soooo excited!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

today is thursday?

i believe so. ok yes it is, just checked. so tomorrow is 7 quick takes, which i am really loving;)

i reallly want a facebook, mom says soon, i say how soon LOL. i think she means before my friends leave for college this fall, thats fine with me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


my mouth hurrtss;(

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ok people!

prayers for my surgery today! thanks!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I get my wisdom teeth taken out. I may try and post in the morning before I leave, but I think I will only have time to check my email. I may not be posting for a few days.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

thanks you God!

i had a WONDERFUL day yesterday, and i just wanted to thank You for my wonderful day!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


grad party for a friend....woot woot, congrats katelyn!

church(reading todayy!)

performance #2!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

7 quick takes friday

1-No more da vinci dresses for the play;( but the dresses we got are very cute! they are teal, knee length, v-neck dresses that look nice on ALL the bridesmaids!
2-tonight is opening night for mario and marys wedding!
3-i really need to start on my 4h project, i am doing a project called Play the Role(it is about acting)
4-the local theater which is an affiliate with SMCC for their school plays may try and open the SMCC school plays to Catholic homeschooled high schoolers in the area
5-also, the announcement of the SMCC school play happens today in just 40 minutes, and i cannot WAIT to find out what it is!
6-the real-life romance going on in the play is being worked on by the bridesmaids. meaning, me and a groomsmen being what they consider a real life romance, even tho were best friends. such a COMPLICATED situation
7-has anyone seen the jobros parody of single

Thursday, June 4, 2009


for the people who lost their relatives on the flight that crashed into the atlantic;(

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the chicks

omg! the chicks are growing and changing colors overnight! its amazzzzing! its like God zapped them with super grow or something!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June is here!

well, it was here yesterday...but....LOL.

YES starts the 17th!
steubie starts the 26th!

Monday, June 1, 2009

There Goes My Life

there wasnt an embed link on this one...sorry;)
you may cry, i get tears in my eyes when i watch this vid