Tuesday, March 31, 2009


OMG, a supposedly Catholic college....inviting Obama to speak???? I wonder what the ND alumni are thinkin about this!!!!!!! Theres a petition somehwere sponsored by USCOCB (sp?) if i find it i will post a link so ya all can sign too.

Monday, March 30, 2009


the social night was way fun, they showed a slideshow with pix both me and one of the leaders took haha there were some hilarious ones in there;-)!!!! i enjoyed playing scissors and confusing the heck out of all my friends, while me marty heather john and patrick, who all know the game, laughed our heads off and tryed to confuse them more;-)!!! and then the travel game, which is SOOO confusing and noone will teach me!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

lifeteen later

social night! yay, so we can talk about the play haha!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

the music man

the play was very good! i liked it alot, it was really cute. this is Musical Weekend here in my town...all the musicals are the same weekend, therefore i cant see them all and could only see the one from last night, i am babysitting tonight so i cant go to the one my other friend is in!!!!!!! basically, i picked the play with the most friends in it, because i felt less bad about it then!!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009


knitting and music man today! i am going to my moms friends to knit, then later to the Catholic schools production of the Music Man!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

dont forget, blogger outage!

i know it says right on your dashoard, but for you people who dont look at your dashboard....i know some of you! there is a blogger outage at 4pm today for about 10 minutes!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Music Man!

i am so excited to go see this play friday put on by our catholic school! alot of my friends are in it.....

oh and the scissors game is fun, i cant tell you how to play tho or it will ruin the game for you;-/

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

prayers please

my dads cousin is real sick she may have leukemia, please pray for her!

Monday, March 23, 2009


does anyone know how to play this game? its a silly retreat game my friend taught me!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


this was the best retreat ever. carey is beautiful. sometime this week when i have more time i will write more about it;-)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


please pray for me and my friends on retreat this weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How tragic!

We must pray for her and her family....I really loved her work in the Parent Trap.


lifeteen retreat!

i am so excited! it is called unstoppable, based on the life of st paul. i am gonna finish, for the most part, my packing today i already have half my stuff packed tho!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


lifeteen review....must write/.....
how is everyojes Lent?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009




any of my other readers have a twitter? let me know and we can tweet each other!

Monday, March 16, 2009

so cool!

over the skype we were able to hear the bells ringing from st peters in rome! the same bells the POPE was hearing at the same moment!!!!!!!!!! it was sooooooo cool!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

lifeteen later

live from the vatican via Skype!

im on twitter!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

thanks all!

my brother is home! thanks for the prayers!

i am on twitter! will post my link tomorrow or later.....

Friday, March 13, 2009


OK, so i hink i may actually make one. later when i have some time anyways. any of my other readers have one? leave your link in a comment and i will follow you!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am considering Twitter....anysimple explainations for me on it?????

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

oh wow!

my brother has been on the hospital for a week! and my mom hasnt left him once. i feel so bad for him. he is going crazy! please pray he can come home soon!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


my brother is still in the hospital. they are doing an at least 24 hour EEG. prayers pleez!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


yay! we had Adoration at lifeteen. which was great cuz i felt bad about missing the Holy Hour my family signed up for for first fridays that i was really looking forward to! (we were on the way to the hospital).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Early earliness!

My sister and I are not going up to visit my brother todayy, we simply have too much going on, so my dad is going up after taking us girls to 7:30 Mass. Early! LOL. I wonder if anyone will even be there cuz of the time change haha if they forgot they will all be late! SPeaking of which, with the time change i only got 6 count em 6 hours of sleep same as like last night this is all gonna cathch up with me and i cant get sick!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thankk God!

I thank God so much right now for all the good care my brother is getting in St Vincents Mercy Medical Center. I LOVE Catholic hospitals! Yesterday, we had a priest up to his room in 5 minutes so he could have anointing of the sick. We had 2 sisters come visit and pray with us and give us Communion (they second time another one came back for when my brother was awake). One of our former priests from our parish made a special trip to the hospital the other day just to see my brother and Mom!

Friday, March 6, 2009


I am missing my Holy Hour todayy. I feel quite bad about it. But there is really nothing I can do to get there.....i cant drive after all. and you know what is awful? my mom was going to take me driving here in a month or so, and then wham! wrist surgery. i wont be able to drive until at least june. ugh!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

cheerleading and an update too

So. my friend called me last night an on sunday at Lifeteen he needs help making a routine for cheer tryouts. Luckily, they gave him a cheer to set the routine too;-)

anywhos, my brothers headache is worse today, and they sent him in for an MRI

i have my picture for my final project for art. it will be very pretty when i get it onto the paper!

i am SO SORE! from doing finnegans, but it is SO FUN!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

read and pray


i know everyone knows by now about the missing boaters and the one that was found alive(thank God!) and the 3 still missing(the 2 football players and their friend). Last night they called off the search. According to the article, they combed over 24000 feet of water. I am praying to God that even though the chances are slim they will be found alive, that they do find their bodies to grant their families some sort of closure. Who knows, they were all strong men, and maybe they did make it to somewhere....like in Lost or something. I know I am being overly optimistic. But I really hope God can grace these families with some kind of closure, even if the men do not turn up alive.


No dixi, I will be back on my blog within 5 days.....thats a promise! sooner if my mom lets me. lucky for me i can type AND text with just my right hand! i would be very unhappy not texting for 3 months.....and typing! my mom would never do that to me.....i hope! i know she wouldnt;-) Lifeteen will be very fun haha....aw alyssa, what did you do? are you ok? i can just imagine.....*sigh*!!!!!!!haha

update about my bro, they took him to the bigger city hospital....still dont know whats wrong.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

prayer request(s)

first of all, my momma and dad took my brother to the ER, this happens every so often when they up his meds dosage. he will be OK.

i have to have wrist srgery ASAP. probably right after the play. 12 WEEKS RECOVERY! yeah i as thinking like 6 weeks....nope....12!!!!!!!!


think about it......just think. not too hard now. think!

extra lenten sacrifice!

i didnt put my clothes away sunday.....and my mom took away my phone til tomorrow. so i m ofeering it up as an extralenten sacrifice.....i get it back toorrow after i do school and then she sees how my room is. and then i can have it back if it is clean enough!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Last night Lifeteen was a social night. I have to write the review on it, so I will post about it later!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


no, it is not required for lent....Jude asked all the TCs to do it. and RG, Jude told me nooo floooowerrrs! I liked them better too;-(